Welcome onboard...
Your two-week FREE trial to the Across the Leagues service starts now
You’ll start to receive emails from me, Oliver Upstone, throughout the week – Monday to Friday.
To make sure the emails don’t accidentally end up in your Spam or Junk folder, we recommend that you save this sending address to your email Contacts or ‘Safe Senders’ list: mail@acrosstheleagues.oxonpress.com
You can get started right away by viewing my full archive of articles, including all the latest emails that have been sent out, on the members-only website…
Go here to set up your password to log-in the site: https://www.acrosstheleagues.co.uk/free_trial.php
Need to get in touch?
If you have any questions regarding the football & the Across the Leagues service, you can contact me directly at: oliver@acrosstheleagues.co.uk
If you have a query about your free trial membership, aren't receiving the emails, or can't log-in to the Across the Leagues website, please get in touch with our Customer Service team on: 01926 298986 (Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm). Or click here to send us a message.
Your 4-week free trial starts now. I'll be in touch very soon with your first Across the Leagues email. It’s good to have you onboard…
Oliver Upstone
Across the Leagues