Puzzles4Prizes 5th February 2019
Issue 6
URL: https://comps.lifedeathprizes.com/puzzle/64-6-2019.php
Call: 0906 470 7004 (calls cost 65p per minute) or text CHATA followed by your answers (spaces between the answers please), full name, door number and postcode to 84988 (texts cost 50p)
Closing date: 19th February 2019
Prize: 5 x £25
Puzzle 1 page 3
Our advice: Rate
Prize: £50
Puzzle 2 page 5
Our advice: Short story
Prize: £100
Puzzle 3 page 8
Our advice: Forget
Prize: £1001
Puzzle 4 page 9
Our advice: Battersea Dogs’ Home
Prize: £100
Puzzle 5 page 16
Our advice: Target
Prize: £500
Puzzle 6 page 17
Our advice: Documentary
Prize: £500
Puzzle 7 page 22
Our advice: Pride
Prize: 5 x £30
Puzzle 8 page 24
Our advice: B3
Prize: £1000
Puzzle 9 page 28
Our advice: Spice Girls
Prize: £60
Puzzle 10 page 28
Our advice: 533
Prize: £50
Puzzle 11 page 28
Our advice: Ironing
Prize: £250
Puzzle 12 page 31
Our advice: 1200
Prize: £150
Puzzle 13 page 31
Our advice: Youtube
Prize: 4 x £25
Puzzle 14 page 31
Our advice: Cry
Prize: £100
Puzzle 15 page 32
Our advice: Tigers
Prize: £50
Puzzle 16 page 34
Our advice: Sand
Prize: £50
Puzzle 17 page 42
Our advice: Great British Bake Off
Prize: £100
Puzzle 18 page 46
Our advice: Ugly
Prize: £100
Puzzle 19 page 46
Our advice: Knitting
Prize: £100
Puzzle 20 page 48
Our advice: Tweezers
Prize: 4 x £30
Puzzle 21 page 48
Our advice: Poirot
Prize: £100
Puzzle 22 page 48
Our advice: Rocket ice lolly
Prize: £100
Puzzle 23 page 48
Our advice: Eddie Redmayne and Jonny Lee Miller
Prize: £50
Puzzle 24 page 49
Our advice: Blackpool Tower
Pick Me Up Magazine
Issue 6
Closing date: 13th February 2019
URL: https://comps.lifedeathprizes.com/puzzle/74-6-2019.php
Call 0906 470 7008 with your answers and full name and address (calls cost 65p) or text PMUB followed by your answers (with spaces between) then your full name, door number and postcode to 84988 (texts cost 50p)
Prize: £25
Puzzle 1 –A Quick Word
Our advice: Cupcake
Prize: £500
Puzzle 2- Follow It
Our advice: Wallets
Prize: £150
Puzzle 3 – Crack It
Our advice: Bumble
Prize: £25
Puzzle 4- Strike It
Our advice: Gallivant
Prize: £25
Puzzle 5 – Number Fit
Our advice: 5377
Prize: £25
Puzzle 6 – Bitesize
Our advice: Cars
Prize: £25
Puzzle 7 – Cross It
Our advice: Fulmar
Prize: £25
Puzzle 8 – Sudoku
Our advice: 215
Prize: £25 for each correct answer or £1000 if you complete everything
- Equator
- Daunted
- Vaulter
- Wheelie
- Readjusted
- Cage
- Telephone number
- Blur
- Subheading
- Violets
- Flummox
- Wine box
- Useless
- Square Meal
- Bailed
- Rosebush
- Washed
- Intercom
- Demi
- Stand by
- Greenhouse
- Enrolled
- Needless
- Sitcom
- Dimple
- Iris
The Mail On Sunday
Prize: £1500
Closing date: 8th February 2019
Our advice: 17
Entry: Call 0905 652 2172 and leave your answer and details (calls cost £1) or text ISPY followed by your answer and details to 65700 (texts cost £1)
The Saturday Sun
Prize: £50
Closing date: 8th February 2019
Our advice: George Ezra
Entry: Email your answer and details to puzzlecomps@the-sun.co.uk with Arrow Word in the subject line or send your answer and details on a postcard to The Sun Puzzles Competition, PO Box 3190, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8GP
The Saturday Sun
Prize: £100
Closing date: 8th February 2019
Our advice: Brie Larson
Entry: Email your answer and details to puzzlecomps@the-sun.co.uk with Crossword in the subject line or send your answer and details on a postcard to The Sun Puzzles Competition, PO Box 3190, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8GP
The Saturday Sun
Prize: £50
Closing date: 8th February 2019
Our advice: Dragons
Entry: Email your answer and details to puzzlecomps@the-sun.co.uk with Wordsearch in the subject line or send your answer and details on a postcard to The Sun Puzzles Competition, PO Box 3190, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8GP
The Saturday Mirror
Prize: £1000
Closing date: 8th February 2019
Our advice: Born in Kuala Lumpur
Entry: Call 0901 293 3030 (calls cost £1) or text DMCROSS and your answer, name and postcode to 61011 (texts cost £1)
The Sunday Mirror
Prize: £500
Closing date: 8th February 2019
Our advice: Damian Lewis
Entry: Call 0901 293 2345 (calls cost £1) or text SMSTAR followed by a space and your answer, name and postcode to 61011 (texts cost £1)
Real People Magazine
Issue 5
Closing date: 20th February 2019
URL: https://comps.realpeoplemag.co.uk/puzzle/135-5-2019
Entry: Call 09010 270072 (calls cost 50p) or text RPL5 followed by a space with your answers, name and address to 84988 (texts cost 50p)
Puzzle 1
Prize: £250
Our advice: Teddy bear
Puzzle 2
Prize: £150
Our advice: Guns ‘N’ Roses
Puzzle 3
Prize: GHD hair straighteners
Our advice: Tresses
Puzzle 4
Prize: An electric vegetable spiraliser
Our advice: Beauty
Puzzle 5
Prize: £25
Our advice: A
Puzzle 6
Prize: £25
Our advice: C
Puzzle 7
Prize: Home cinema system worth £349 or £328 in cash
Our advice: A
Puzzle 8
Prize: £50
Our advice: Miss
Puzzle 9
Prize: A £50 Smiggle voucher
Our advice: B
Puzzle 10
Prize: £100
Our advice: 15
Puzzle 11
Prize: £25
Our advice: Egg
Puzzle 12
Prize: £50
Our advice: Saara
Puzzle 13
Prize: £25
Our advice: Political
Puzzle 14
Prize: £50
Our advice: Tramp
Puzzle 15
Prize: £150
Our advice: English muffin
Puzzle 16
Prize: £100
Our advice: A
TV Choice Magazine
Entry: Phone/text/online
Closing date: 18th February 2019
Prize: £500
Our advice: Cold Feet
Entry: Call 0901 723 0240 (calls cost 40p per minute) or text CH06 with your name, door number, postcode followed by your answers to 65115 (texts cost 50p) or enter online at https://www.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk/competition-entry//issue-06
Prize: £25
Our advice: 6
Entry: Call 0901 723 0240 (calls cost 40p per minute) or text CH06 with your name, door number, postcode followed by your answers to 65115 (texts cost 50p) or enter online at https://www.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk/competition-entry//issue-06
Prize: 3 x £200 in cash
Our advice: B
Entry: Call 0901 723 0240 (calls cost 40p per minute) or text CH06 with your name, door number, postcode followed by your answers to 65115 (texts cost 50p) or enter online at https://www.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk/competition-entry//issue-06
What’s On TV
Closing date: 15th February 2019
Prize: £500
Our advice: Come Dine With Me
Prize: £100
Our advice: Page 21
Prize: £100
Our advice: Louisa Lytton
Prize: £200
Our advice: Maureen Lipman
Entry: Call 0901 130 0237 and when asked for the issue number key in 6 (calls cost 50p) or text BEL^ then a space followed by your name, house number and postcode and then your answers all separated by a space to 65115 (texts cost 50p) or enter online at https://www.bellamagazine.co.uk/competition-entry/2019/1/29/issue-06
Prize: £200
Our advice: Trouble
Entry: Call 0901 130 0237 and when asked for the issue number key in 6 (calls cost 50p) or text BEL^ then a space followed by your name, house number and postcode and then your answers all separated by a space to 65115 (texts cost 50p) or enter online at https://www.bellamagazine.co.uk/competition-entry/2019/1/29/issue-06
Love It
Entry: Write Entry Form in the subject line and then write your answers from one to ten in the main email along with your address and phone number. Email this to entryform@loveitmagazine.co.uk
Please note that puzzles 4 and 9 are postal entries only
Closing date: 14/02/2019
Puzzle 1
Prize: £25
Our advice: 1970
Puzzle 2
Prize: £25
Our advice: Skinhead
Puzzle 3
Prize: £50
Our advice: Bury
Puzzle 5
Prize: £50
Our advice: Overcast
Puzzle 6
Prize: £25
Our advice: Hollyoaks
Puzzle 7
Prize: £1000 and a chance in a £20,000 draw
Our advice: Loose Women
Puzzle 8
Prize: £50
Our advice: Moth
Puzzle 10
Prize: £50
Our advice: Crisp
Inside Soap
Crossword answer: PARCEL
Arroword answer: LAWYERS
Write the solutions to the puzzles on a postcard with your n&a and phone number to: Inside Soap Competitions 6, Unit 9, Apollo Business Centre, Trundleys Road, Deptford, London, SE8 5JE
Or email the solutions to the puzzles with your n&a and phone number to: competitions@insidesoap.co.uk with the subject line PUZZLES6
Closing date 11 February 2019